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杭州是几朝古都?哪几个朝代? 杭州是多少朝代的古都

2023-06-07 百科 1728 作者:admin


自隋建杭州以来,只有两个朝代在此建都,即钱氏吴越国和南宋。 不过,吴越国并不是一个中央政府,而是一个分立一方的地方政府,所以不能称为一个独立的王朝,而是五朝十国时期的一个国家。 南宋(1127-1279)占据了北宋三分之二的领土。 它是当时全国的政治、经济、文化中心,是整个中国汉文化的唯一代表,中央政府直接承袭了北宋王朝。 因此,杭州是中国七大古都之一。 被列入古都的第一个条件是它必须是中央政府所在地。 杭州最准确的称呼只有一个,那就是“南宋古都”。

杭州是几个朝代的古都? 哪个朝代?杭州是多少个朝代的古都


杭州是五朝十国中吴越国和南宋的都城。 杭州是浙江省省会,是浙江省的政治、经济、文化、教育、交通、金融中心。 是长三角城市群中心城市之一。 杭州,古称临安、钱塘,位于我国东南沿海,钱塘江下游,京杭大运河南端。 杭州风景秀丽,素有“人间天堂”之称。 元代马可波罗曾赞誉它为“世界上最美丽华贵的城市”。

杭州是五朝十国中吴越国和南宋的都城。 杭州,浙江省省会,位于中国东南沿海,浙江省北部,是一座副省级城市。 杭州也是浙江省政治、经济、文化、教育、交通、金融中心,长三角城市群中心城市之一。

杭州,古称临安、钱塘,位于我国东南沿海,钱塘江下游,京杭大运河南端。 杭州风景秀丽,素有“人间天堂”之称。 元代马可波罗曾赞誉它为“世界上最美丽华贵的城市”。 杭州著名的旅游景点有瑶麟仙境、桐君山、雷峰塔、岳庙、三潭映月、苏堤、六和塔、宋城、南宋御街、灵隐寺、跨湖桥遗址等。



杭州地处华东地区,钱塘江下游,东南沿海,浙江北部,京杭大运河南端。 是环杭州湾大湾区核心城市、沪嘉G60科创走廊中心城市、重要的国际电子商务中心。 杭州的文物古迹很多。 西湖及其周边有大量的自然和人文景观遗迹。 具有代表性的有西湖文化、良渚文化、丝绸文化、茶文化,以及流传下来的许多故事和传说。


杭州五桂洞遗址古人类化石的发现,证明了距今5万年前的杭州大地上就有古人类存在。 [12] 萧山跨湖桥遗址的发掘证实,现代人类早在8000年前就在这里繁衍生息。5000年前的余杭良渚文化被誉为“文明的曙光”。 杭州夏商周时期属“扬州版图”。

相传夏禹治水时,全国分为九州,江南广大地区统称为扬州。 公元前21世纪,夏禹南巡时,诸侯会稽会稽(今绍兴),曾乘船驶过此地,将其悬(“悬”为方舟)弃于此地,故名“余杭”。

一说禹造船过此,越人称此地为“余杭”。 后来,根据口耳相传,“禹”被误认为“禹”,故名“禹杭”。 春秋时期,吴越争霸,杭州先属越国,后属吴国,越国灭吴后又归越国。 战国时期,楚国灭越国,杭州归楚。


杭州曾是五朝吴越国和南宋的都城。 是我国七大古都之一。 杭州历史沿革的考古发现表明,距今5万年前,在今杭州建德立交一带就有智人“建德人”。 2001年,杭州萧山跨湖桥遗址考古发现,距今约8000年的新石器时代早期,萧山已有人类活动。 从新石器时代晚期的良渚文化开始,杭州已有5000多年的历史。 秦王政二十五年(公元前222年),置钱塘县、余杭县,属会稽县。 开皇九年(公元589年)称杭州。 五朝时,吴越国(907-978)建都杭州。 南宋建炎三年(1129年),赵构南下杭州,升杭州为临安府。 绍兴八年(1138年),临安正式定都南宋,历时140余年。 民国元年(1912年)二月,杭州县并入钱塘县、仁和县。 民国十六年(1927年)五月,在华杭县等地市区设杭州市,设杭州市。 1949年5月3日,杭州解放。 杭州是中国七大古都之一。 现为浙江省省会,全国15个副省级城市之一,长三角重要的中心城市。 被国家列为国家历史文化名城和重点风景旅游城市。


南宋都城杭州 南宋是北宋的延续。 着力治理长江流域,使我国南方社会经济持续发展,呈现高度繁荣。 但在军事上,他一直屈服于北方的强敌,最终被元朝所灭。 南宋一共有九位皇帝,其中六位病死,一位亡国时跳海身亡,一位被元军吓死,一位被俘冤杀. 宋高宗(赵构) 高宗,字赵构(公元1107-1187年),字德济。 徽宗九子,钦宗弟。 北宋灭亡后逃往南京即位。 在位36年,被迫退位,病逝,享年81岁,葬于永思岭(今浙江省绍兴县城东南35里宝山)。 宋高宗赵构先后被封为广平王、康王。 靖康元年(公元1126年)金兵南侵,奉钦宗命前往金国与张邦昌求和。 途经磁州(今河北省磁县)时,州长宗泽劝阻说:“晋朝要你议和,你没有自投罗网!” 众人也拦住了他的马,不让他北上。 赵构怕被晋国扣押,留在襄州(今河南省安阳县),封他为河北兵马元帅。 靖康二年(公元1127年),汴京被金兵攻陷,北宋灭亡。 赵构在南京应天府(今河南省商丘县南)即位,改年号“建炎”。 赵构即位后,在金兵的追击下不断南逃。 相传赵构曾在黄河北岸被晋兵追杀,只剩下他一个人。 在河边,乘船渡河,幸免于难。

后来,为了标榜自己是真天子,赵构借助神灵,编造了“泥马过康王”的故事。 他担心李妈揭穿真相,就给李妈下了药,让他变哑了,很快就杀了李妈。 高宗在位初期,任命抗日派李纲为丞相,宗泽为驻东京,动员军民抗金。 而高宗却和他的父兄(惠秦二帝)一样,畏敌如虎,一味求和以保皇位。 不久,他罢免李纲,激活投降派黄千山、王伯彦,将宋军防线从黄河移至淮、汉、长江,从而扭转了抗日战局。 这使得金兵分三路渡过黄河,不到三个月就占领了西起钦州,东至青州的广大地区。 从建炎元年(1127年)到绍兴八年(1138年)的十余年间,高宗为躲避金军走遍东南沿海。 他拒绝了张俊“建都力,逐步收复”的建议,南逃至临安(今杭州)定都。 留守东京的宗泽欲渡河北征伐,力劝高宗回汴京坐镇,高宗却置若罔闻,沉溺于偏安一隅。 他逃到临安后,迫于形势,任命岳飞、韩世忠等主战派将领抗金,后又任命投降派秦桧为丞相。 绍兴十年(1140年),金军大举入侵。 宋军在金军的反扑中赢得了顺昌和盐城之战。 距汴京仅45里。

但是,宋高宗又怕阻碍与金国的和谈。 他与秦桧迫使张俊、杨义中、岳飞等人撤军。 为了彻底求和,高宗皇帝召见韩世忠、张俊、岳飞三位大将进朝,升官免兵权。 同时,裁撤专门为抗金而设的三个宣抚师。 不久,他甚至陷害杀害岳飞,并以割地、进贡、封臣等屈辱条件与金朝缔结《绍兴和约》。 高宗还极力镇压洞庭湖地区的钟祥、杨默农民起义。 绍兴和谈后,极力排斥和打击反战派,朝政完全被和平派控制。 结果,一大批主战派官员被贬谪和迫害。 高宗皇帝也严禁对谈判不满的声音。 太子张伯麟在墙上题词:“夫差,你忘了越王杀了你的父亲吗?” 绍兴三十一年(公元1161年)九月,完颜亮撕毁和约,再次南侵。 在菜市集(今安徽省马鞍山市西南),被俞允文统领的宋军大败,南宋再次归于安全。 然而,高宗奉行以辱求和的国策,遭到了军民的强烈反对。 结果,很难维持他的统治。 高宗皇帝与宰相陈康伯等商议后,于次年六月宣布退位,借口是年老厌政,欲“以淡泊为心,滋养神志”。 自称太上皇的赵慎退居得夺宫。 赵构退位后,声称不再过问政事,但实际上也干涉了一些政事。

一日,他到灵隐寺冷泉阁饮茶,一位行者悉心照料。 他看着行者道:“我看你不像行者。” 行者哭曰:“”我本为太守,因得罪监事,被诬告为庶人。 为了生计,我只好来这里探亲,做这份卑微的工作。”赵构立即说道:“我明天替你去见皇上。 解释一下。” 回宫后,他果真跟皇上说要复职。 几日后,他又去了寒泉阁,见行者还在。 回宫后,席间满腔怒火,孝宗小心翼翼地问赵构生气的原因,赵构说:“我老了,没人听我的。 几天前我告诉过你关于那个旅行者的事。 为什么不处理?”我已经跟丞相提过了,丞相查了之后说这个人贪污犯法。不可能让他复职。” ”赵构不理会这些,说道:“以后怎么能再见到你呢?我已经答应他求你了。 孝宗只好去找丞相说:“皇上大发脾气,就算这人杀人,你也得让他复职。” 首相不得不这样做。 淳熙十四年(公元1187年)十月,赵构病逝于临安宫德寿殿。 死后庙号为高宗。 宋孝宗(赵云)孝宗,名赵云(公元1127-1194年),原名伯从,后改名魏,字武,字元雍。 高宗的义子在接受了高宗的内禅后继位。 在位27年,病逝,享年68岁。葬于永福陵(今浙江省绍兴县城东南35里宝山)。

宋孝宗赵衍,太祖赵匡胤七世孙,寿王赵德方六世孙,修王赵子成之子,封为建安郡王。 秀州(今浙江省嘉兴市)人。 高宗无子,收为养子。 他曾上书高宗,反对与晋国议和。 绍兴三十二年(公元1162年),高宗内禅继位。 二年,改年号为“隆兴”。 孝宗继位后,决心改变高宗屈辱求和的国策,力图出兵光复中原,恢复河山。 他先为岳飞平反,封岳飞为鄂国公,号“武穆”,削去秦桧的官衔,大振民心。 紧接着,抗战派上将张俊受命发动抗金战争。 但出兵没多久,就在符里(今安徽省宿县城北)被金军击溃。 隆兴元年(公元1163年),金军大举南下,宋军损失惨重。 孝宗的决心再次动摇,于是罢免张俊,从秦桧余党中任用唐司推等人,与晋国以割地纳贡为条件签订《隆兴和约》,自称是侄皇。 后宋进休战,任王怀筹资备战。 淳熙十四年(公元1187年)十月,高宗病逝。 孝宗请太子赵盾参政,以示哀悼。 淳熙十六年(公元1189年)二月,佑禅位太子。 他自称太上皇,住在崇华宫,继续为高宗服丧。 赵盾与孝宗不和,久未拜访孝宗。 为此,孝宗抑郁而病倒。 绍熙五年(公元1194年)六月,孝宗病逝于临安宫崇华殿。 孝宗也算是一个很有成就的人,有复兴之志,可惜此时的南宋已今非昔比。

历经高宗秦桧对金军20余年的折腾和摧残,抗金名将、主战派大臣杀、杀、退、老、死,军民士气早已消散。筋疲力尽。 宋光宗(赵盾) 宋光宗,字赵盾(公元1147-1200年),孝宗三子。 继孝宗内禅。 在位5年,退位病逝,终年54岁,葬于永崇陵(今浙江省绍兴县城东南35里宝山)。 光宗久居深宫,不问世事。 他即位时43岁,但头发已经花白。 大臣献上一药(可能是何首乌),可以使精黑,他不服,说:“我的头发已经花白了,但我可以教世人我老了。” 即位后,光宗受到李皇后的左右。 ,周必达、辛弃疾等主战派大臣被免职,刘征任丞相,朝政由主和派掌控。 光宗与太上皇孝宗的关系长期不和。 绍熙五年(公元1194年)六月,孝宗病重,拒绝探望。 孝宗死后不去服丧,致使丧礼无法举行,在满清引起了极大的骚动。 知枢密院的赵如玉和知门的韩愈周搭戏,建议皇太后下令光宗退位,传位给儿子赵括,由他主持孝宗的丧事。 太后同意,光宗坐禅位,称太上皇,住寿康宫。 每当他回忆起他在位时发生的事情,他总是暗骂自己,有时甚至会痛哭流涕。 清元六年(公元1200年)春,赵括皇帝(即宋宁宗)从郊外祭拜归来,深宫中响起了鼓乐声。

光宗问是怎么回事,左右回答说街上的人在奏乐游戏。 ”光宗大怒,曰:“奴仆竟如此欺我们。 他甩开拳头,控制不住摔倒在地,再也没有爬起来。 八月,病逝于临安寿康宫。 宋宁宗(赵括)宁宗,字赵括(公元1168-1224年),光宗次子。 光宗退位继位。 在位30年,57岁病逝,葬于永茂陵(今浙江省绍兴县城东南35里宝山)。 宋宁宗赵括封嘉王、平阳王。 光宗年间,立为太子。 光宗绍熙五年(公元1194年)退位后继位,二年改年号“庆元”。 太后宣布登基时,他连连说:“我做不到,我做不到”。 ”太后吩咐左右说:“将龙袍拿来,我亲自为他披上。 他连忙再次抓住了韩雨舟。 他举起手臂求救,绕着柱子一圈避开。 太后命他住手,流着泪说宋朝能延续到今天已经很不容易了,韩托舟也百般劝说。 见太后的决定不可改变,他披上朝袍,给太后磕头,喃喃自语:“我做不到,我做不到。” 被韩玉舟拖延后,走出内宫,登基进入朝堂。 宁宗即位后,赵如玉和韩托周被重用。 赵韩激战后,宁宗罢免赵如玉,重用专管政务的韩愈周。 宁宗又下令禁道; 定理错误,朱熹等儒家被革职。 史称“清远党禁”。

南宋开熙元年(1205年)四月,宁宗采纳韩禹周的建议,拜岳贬秦,立岳飞为鄂王,斩秦桧死后封的申王,改谥号为“荒周”。 这打击了和平派,也大大鼓舞了民心。 同年五月,宁帝下令北伐晋朝,史称“开西北伐”。 开战之初,宋军收复了一些地方,但第二年就因韩托舟用人不当而战败。 杨太后和主公派来的礼部尚书史弥远趁机杀了韩托周,将他的人头送进了晋朝。 朝政以史弥远、钱相祖为主。 嘉定元年(公元1208年),他与晋国签订了屈辱的《嘉定和约》。 宁宗更能顾及百姓疾苦。 一年元宵节,他对着烛台独坐。 太监劝他过节设宴,他说:“宫外人无饭吃,我可否安心设宴!” 宁宗平日在后宫走来走去,总是吩咐两个太监随身携带两个小屏风作为引路。 . 所到之处竖立,上书“少饮酒,怕呕吐”四字。 “少吃生冷食物,怕痛。” 妃子劝他吃冷食冷饮,他指着屏风拒绝。 嘉定十七年(公元1224年)闰八月,宁宗病逝于临安宫福宁殿。 宋理宗(赵云)理宗,字赵云(公元1205-1264年),原名禹举,又名龟城。 宁宗的养子。 宁宗死后继位。 在位40年,60岁病逝。葬于永磨岭(今浙江省绍兴县城东南35里宝山)。 宋理宗赵云,太祖第十世孙,山阴太尉赵细禄子。

宁宗本来立赵勋为太子,但赵勋英年早逝后,立宗室之子赵弘为太子。 赵弘因与权臣史弥远不和,被史弥远罢免。 史弥远自浙东拜见赵云,带回临安,被宁宗收为养子,在宫中受教,后封懿王为太子。 嘉定十七年(公元1224年)闰八月,宁宗病逝。 同月即位,二年改年号“宝庆”。 ,享受后宫。 绍定六年(公元1233年),史弥远去世,主持朝政。 端平元年(公元1234年)正月,南宋联合蒙古灭金。 蒙古军主力北上后,向蒙古人发起进攻,几乎不战而胜,收复了原北宋西京、东京、南京(今河南洛阳、开封、商丘)。 不过,很快就被蒙古军队驱逐了。 端平二年(公元1235年),蒙古大汗窝阔台决定南下征宋,拉开了蒙宋战争的序幕。 初期,理宗任用孟珙、于杰等人抗击蒙古人,才得以维持局面。 后又信任丁大全,在董松臣府中侍奉,晚年将政务委托给汉奸贾似道。 南宋日渐没落。 开庆元年(公元1259年),蒙古大汗的弟弟忽必烈围攻鄂州(今湖北省武汉市),准备攻打南宋都城临安。 理宗非常心慌,派贾似道以右丞相、枢密使的身份驻扎在汉阳(今湖北汉阳),援鄂州。

恰逢蒙哥病逝,忽必烈急于争夺皇位,于是与贾似道议和。 贾似道以宋理宗降蒙赔款为耻辱条件,擅自求和。 崩溃的理宗对前线战况一无所知,贾似道回朝后升为贵人。 自从所谓的鄂州大捷之后,理宗很快就忘记了国难,沉醉在醉梦死的生活中。 太监董松臣之流在宫内修建了芙蓉阁、香兰阁,供李宗李享用。 有一次,理宗召集一群妓女进宫。 侍从牟子才上书进谏,说:“这是董松臣企图勾引陛下。” 理宗不听,牟子才又画了一幅《高力士脱靴图》献上。 见董宋臣大怒,哭着挑战李宗说:“牟氏把陛下比作唐明皇,把燕飞比作杨贵妃,把臣比作高力士,他把自己比作李白。” 理宗从此拒绝了牟子才。 景定五年(公元1264年)十月,理宗因色欲过度而病倒。 下诏招名医入宫。 能治好他的人,将赐予良田、金银、高官和丰厚的俸禄。 ,没有人前来申请。 不久,理宗病逝于临安。 宋都宗(赵禹)都宗,名赵禹(公元1240-1274年),原名孟岐,又名子、长渊。 理宗的养子。 理宗病逝后,继位。 在位10年,病逝,时年35岁,葬于永绍陵(今浙江省绍兴县城东南35里宝山)。 宋度宗赵禹,太祖十一世孙荣王昭、丙子,被理宗收为养子,先后封建安王、永嘉王、忠王。

公元1260年理宗在位时,加冕为太子。 景定五年(公元1264年)十月,理宗病逝。 同日即位,二年改年号“咸淳”。 度宗即位后,软弱无能,荒淫不止于理宗。 他终日坐在后宫,与妃子们饮酒作乐。 封贾似道被封为太师,倍受宠信,把政事都托付给他。 贾似道见度宗比理宗还要蠢,更加跋扈,对皇帝不闻不问,扬言一不留神就会退位。 杜宗怕他不辞而别。 . 特赐贾似道平章军国大事,准其三日立朝。 后来又放宽到十日一次,每次退朝,杜宗总要离座,看着他走出堂外,才敢坐下。 还在西湖葛岭为他建造了一座精致的宅邸。 贾似道欲通奸,以致朝政暗淡。 忽必烈拿下蒙古大汗,稳定内地后,发兵攻入南宋四川地区,顺汉水而下。 度宗咸淳四年(公元1268年)围攻襄阳,次年围攻樊城。 贾似道没有报告,也没有派兵增援。 连襄樊也被围困三年,形势十分危急。 后来度宗知道了,问贾似道。 Jia Sidao still the truth, : "The have , who made this rumor?" Du Zong that a court lady told him, and Jia Sidao the court lady. Such a rule put the Song on the eve of its . In the first month of the ninth year of (AD 1273), was by the Yuan army. In of the same year, Lu , the of , the city and under the of out of food and aid.

When the news came, Jia Sidao to lead an army to go out, but the and Du Zong held Jia Sidao back and to let him go out. In July of the tenth year of (1274 AD), Du Zong died in the Hall in Lin'an due to , and his edict was by Zhao Xian. Xie of the Song (Xie ) Xie, named Xie (AD 1210-1283), was the of . He over the for 2 years, was by the Yuan army in the north, and died of at the age of 74. The place of is . Xie , a of (now , ). Her , Xie , used to be a prime . Due to the early death of his Xie Qubo and his 's , the young Xie had to wash, cook and do . The Yang Xie into the in order to repay Xie 's in him back then. In of the third year of (AD 1230), Yang made the , and Xie was as by Li Zong. In the first year of (AD 1259), the Yuan army the Song on a large scale and Ezhou (now , Hubei ). The court of the Song was in a panic, and the Dong to Song to move the from Lin'an to (now , ) to avoid the edge of the Yuan army. Xie the , and said to Song : "If the is moved, the of the army and the will be , and the will be ." Song did not move the . In the fifth year of (1264 AD), Song died of , and the 16-year-old Song came to the , Xie as the . by Prime Jia Sidao. Jia Sidao's made the dim.

was by the Yuan army for two years, and the was , but he it and did not send to it. that the Song was dying, Xie felt and angry, but there was she could do. In July of the tenth year of (AD 1274), Song died of . Song Gong, who was only 3 years old, came to the and Xie as the . Gong was young, Xie to the the . At that time, the army had , and Ezhou in , and was east along the River. Xie Jia Sidao to lead an army of 130,000 to meet the enemy. In of the year, as a , Jia Sidao was by the Yuan army in (now Wuhu, Anhui). The main force of the Song was wiped out, and the army took of the and drove . Jia Sidao's hurts the , the and the are , and the are . Prime Chen asked Jia Sidao to be , but Xie did not agree, but Jia Sidao from and him. On the way, Jia Sidao was by the Zheng . After Jia Sidao died, Xie over the . At that time, the prime Wang Yue, Chen , and Liu were all old and sick, and some were and . , the front line , and the Yuan army drove in. Xie the of and the of to help . On the other hand, he a edict, on all and to serve the king. , civil and from all over the were to see, and only Wen and Zhang were to raise to serve the king. Wen , Zhang and a with the Yuan army, but Chen , then prime of the Song , to ask Yuan to pay for peace. Xie to take the path of peace. She first sent Liu Yue and three to Boyan's camp, and to the of being or and coins. He asked the Yuan to down the army and a peace, but was by Boyan. He asked Yuan to "be the title of a small by the watch", which was also by Boyan.

In the first month of the year of Deyou (AD 1276), the Yuan army led by Prime Boyan of the Yuan at the city of Lin'an. Chen asked Xie to from Lin'an. Xie , Chen asked, and Xie , but when it was time to get ready to leave, Chen , Liu and . Xie was angry, and the last she made was to Wen as Prime You and Privy Envoy, and asked him to the Yuan army. , Wen was by Boyan when he went to for peace talks. Xie had no but to the Seal and Form to Boyan, , and to Boyan's order, Li and other who stood firm in , but Li . In of the same year, the Yuan army Lin'an. In March, Gong and other Song were taken to Dadu. In , the Yuan army her out of the , her to Dadu (now ), and the title of Mrs. . Seven years later, in 1283 AD, Xie , the of the Song , died of in a . Song Gong (Zhao Xian) Gong, named Zhao Xian (AD 1271-1323), was the son. After Du Zong died of , he to the . He for 2 years, was sent to Tibet as a monk by the Yuan army, and was . He was 53 years old, and the place of is . Gong of the Song , Zhao Xian, was once the title of Duke of Jia. When Du Zong was ill, Jia Sidao the of Zhao Shi, the son of Du Zong born to Yang, so Du Zong had to make Zhao Xian the crown to Jia Sidao's . After Du Zong died of in July of the tenth year of (1274 AD), he to the and his reign name to "Deyou" in the year.

When Gong came to the , he was only 4 years old, and the Xie over the state . In the early years, Jia Sidao was in . After Ezhou in of the tenth year of (AD 1274), he drove along the Han River, and Song to Yuan one after along the way. Tai and a table, Jia Sidao to the the Yuan . In the first year of Deyou (AD 1275), Jia Sidao was in (now Wuhu, Anhui), and the main force of the Song army was lost. At that time, the Yuan army was like a , on Lin'an. In the first month of the year of Deyou (AD 1276), Gong with Xie. In , he and his , Queen Quan, and their were from Lin'an to the north, and in Dadu in May. In 1282 AD, Gong was moved to (now , of , Inner ), where he spent his youth. As he grows older, he his past and his , and he feels sad and . When Wang , the of the Song , was back to the south of the River, he wrote a poem to send him off: "The poem goes: I sent a to Lin , the plum times, and the under the stage not ." It his for his and , and his sad of being to . In 1288 AD, Gong was 18 years old. Yuan Shizu was that him would cause and to get rid of him. After he heard the news, he asked to leave the world and live as a monk , so as to get rid of the of the . Yuan Shizu and sent him to Tubo in of the same year to study .

Since then, he has lived in the Sakya in Tibet for a long time, and his name to Hezun and Hao Mubo. He lived a life, by blue and all day long, and to and . Years of hard study made him in and . He a monk and once as the chief abbot of the Sakya . He went on to in the of , and them into such as " to the from the Ming " and "" and other , which were as by . It is said that when Gong was a monk in Tibet, once, King Zhao, the royal of the Yuan , by the and saw him old and . He felt and left a Hui woman to him. After that, he loved the baby very much, so he took it as his son and named him Tiemu'er, who would be in the . It also shows that when Zhu Di, the of , saw the of Shun of Yuan , he said in , "Why doesn't he look like the of the Yuan , but like the of the Song ?" , many that this is . In 1323 AD, Gong from the of of his poems and , and was to death. deep for his death. Gong's life, in terms of , he was from the of the Song to a of the Yuan , and a monk in Tubo. It is not for to move to the where the sky is high and , and to in Tibet for a long time; in terms of the he got along with, he was born in the Han , and then got along with the , and lived with the in the , it can be said that it is not .

Gong's life is among . , as far as he is , his rough has him . , as far as his role is , he has made a to the of the Han, and . Gong is also known as and Youdi in . (Zhao Shi) , named Zhao Shi (AD 1268-1278), 's son, of Gong. Gong was taken by Yuan to the north, and Lu Xiufu and him as . In the third year of his reign, he was to death the of the Yuan army. He was 11 years old and was in (now south of , ). Zhao Shi was named King Ji and King Yi . In the year of Deyou (1276 AD), when the Yuan army Lin'an, he was by the Duwei Yang Zhen and , and fled to . Boyan, who to the Song , sent to chase after him, but . In March, Zhao Shi and in and that Lin'an had and Gong was taken to the north. In May, Lu Xiufu, Chen , Zhang and him as in , and his year name to "". When was in power, he was only 8 years old. The Lu Xiufu and on the Yuan and to the Song . , under the close of the Yuan army, he had to be by the Zhang to board the ship and enter the sea. He fled from east to west and was . . Left Prime Chen was for the and left (in today's ). In March of the third year of (AD 1278), in order to avoid being by Yuan Liu Shen, a boat and took in Bay. One night, the boat was , fell into the sea, and was by left and right. Since then, he has drank a full of water, and since then he has ill, and was so that he could not speak for days.

the Yuan army was , he had to flee to (now Bay, ) by sea. Bing (Zhao Bing) Bing, named Zhao Bing (AD 1271-1279), Duan , Duan . to the after his death. In the 2nd year of his reign, under the of the Yuan army, the Lu Xiufu threw into the sea and died for 9 years. The tomb is in , , today. Zhao Bing was the of King Xin, King Guang, and King Wei. When Linan was in , led by his Yang , he left the city and fled to (now City, ). died of in April of the third year of (AD 1278). He was by Lu Xiufu and Zhang in in the same month. In May, he was "". Now south of , ).

Which two the of in ?

has a of more than 2,200 years since it was as a in the Qin . It was once the of the Wuyue and the Song , and is one of the eight in China.

the Five and Ten , the Wuyue was in the , and its was in . at that time was by , and had over , , , , , , , , , and . .在吴越三代、五帝共85年的统治下,经过劳动人民的辛勤开拓建设,杭州发展成为全国经济繁荣和文化荟萃之地。欧阳修在《有美堂记》里有这样的描述:“钱塘自五代时,不烦干戈,其人民幸福富庶安乐。十余万家,环以湖山,左右映带,而闽海商贾,风帆浪泊,出入于烟涛杳霭之间,可谓盛矣!”吴越王钱镠在杭州凤凰山筑了“子城”,内建宫殿,作为国治,又在外围筑了“罗城”,周围70里,作为防御。据《吴越备史》记载,这个都城,西起秦望山,沿钱塘江至江干,濒钱塘湖(西湖)到宝石山,东北面到艮山门。以形似腰鼓,故又有“腰鼓城”之称。

在北宋时,杭州为两浙路路治。淳化五年(994年),改军号为宁海军节度。大观元年(1107年)升为帅府,辖钱塘、仁和、余杭、临安、于潜、昌化、富阳、新登、盐官九县。当时人口已达20余万户,为江南人口最多的州郡之一。经济繁荣,纺织、印刷、酿酒、造纸业都较发达,对外贸易进一步开展,是全国四大商港之一。杭州历任地方官,十分重视对西湖的整治。元祐四年(1089年),著名诗人苏东坡任杭州知州,再度疏浚西湖,用所挖取的葑泥,堆成横跨南北的长堤(苏堤),上有六桥,堤边植桃、柳、芙蓉,使西湖更加美化。又开通茅山、盐桥两河,再疏六井,使卤不入市,民饮称便。 据《宋史》卷88《地理志》载,北宋崇宁年间(1101—1106)户口数字与元丰年间大致相等,户数达,口数达。宋仁宗有诗句赐梅挚知杭州中赞美杭州为东南第一州。







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